Streets of Rage Remake | Quick Bit | The 8-Bit Generation

In anticipation of Streets of Rage 4, Steve and Sterling play different brawler/beat ‘em up games each week until SOR4’s Spring release. Today they play Street of Rage: Remake!!

Streets of Rage Remake is an infamously ambitious fan-project, totaling over 8 YEARS to finally complete. Spanish developer, Bombergames publicly announced the project and throughout the years held beta testing for improvements to the game’s code. SOR: Remake was finally released for FREE on PC early April 2011, but the fan-made homage was cut short due to Sega’s Cease and Decease letter to Bombergames a couple of weeks later. Subsequently, Bombergames killed all links and locked forum threads regarding the downloads of the fan-created Streets of Rage tribute. Despite this, the game has been distributed throughout the net via torrents from those who already downloaded the file.

Should Sega reconsidered and finally release this labor of love officially? Have you played Streets of Rage Remake?

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