E3 2011: Favorite Trailers

Editor's Note: If it seems odd that a post from 2011 is up now, you're right, it is odd. For some reason or another I didn't post this 7 years ago. Better late than never, huh? The only change made to this is the video link at the end of the list. Enjoy!

Steve, The 8BG Editor-in-Chief 

E3 2011 has come and gone-and no I did not attend, not that I wanted to because I quite enjoying staying at home with my faced pressed against the laptop. Okay, I lie I would have loved to go because there were so many juicy announcements and reveals, it would have been quite fun to be there in person for all the gaming mayhem. Anyway, here is a short list of my favorite E3 2011 trailers in no particular order.

1. Halo 4/Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (Xbox 360)

Why do I have two games for my first choice? I felt these two went hand in hand despite being two separate products of the same franchise. Starting with the Halo 4 trailer, we all knew this game was coming so it wasn’t such a surprise. The trailer was very brief but foreshadowed some interesting details such as Master Chief’s built-in (presumably) jet back and what could have been a new pistol, but I wasn’t so sure. Blasting himself out of the same ship he was cryogenically frozen in at the of Halo 3, he heads towards weird technological looking ring…could this be a new Halo?!?!?!

The other trailer that peaked my interest, was the announcement of an HD-remake of Halo: Combat Evolved. Prior to the release of Halo Reach, the first Halo game was my favorite in the franchise and with updated graphics and new Xbox Live functionality I can finally see if this grand adventure stands the test of time.

2.Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (Playstation 3)

If this trailer didn’t get you excited than you must not have a pulse…or you really, really, really hate the Uncharted series. Full of action, adventure and drama, the trailer sets the next stage in the franchise and has Nathan Drake globetrotting in search of treasure (of course). This game looks amazing, it really does. If there’s any game that comes to encapsulating the Hollywood-movie feel, it has to be Uncharted 3. I’m so excited for it. I guess now would be a good time to open up my Game of the year edition of Uncharted 2, huh?

3. Shadows of the Damned (Xbox 360/Playstation 3)

I loved No More Heroes, I’m currently enjoying No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, loved Viewtiful Joe, enjoyed the recent Resident Evil games and I didn’t really get into Killer 7. Why Do I bring this up? It’s because Shadows of the Damned is being helmed by Suda 51 (of No more Heroes fame) and Shinji Mikami (many Capcom franchises) and does look fun from what I can see. Using his ever-changing Johnson, Garcia Hotspur releases loads of hot and intense violent passion of herds of demons. That’s one powerful Johnson.

4. Kirby Mass Attack (Nintendo DS)

I have a soft spot for Kirby. Many Kirby games are simple yet innovative and this new Kirby for the Nintendo DS doesn’t seem to buck the trend. I can’t wait to play this one just to see the creative solutions needed to complete the levels. Here’s hoping this one’s a winner!
