On behalf of everyone working behind the scenes of The8BITGeneration (i.e. only Steve and Sterling) we'd like to apologize to you ,the audience, for the lack of updates. We apologize to everyone who routinely checks our site for updates and reviews I know it's now been a good while since we added some content and I (Steve) take the blame for not putting any updates.

I was working in the middle of the WWE All-Stars review a couple of weeks ago but unfortunetely my laptop was hit with an annoying virus called the Windows Recovery Virus. For those not in the know, it basically looks like actually windows pop-up and prompts you to scan for viruses. I know, I know, hold your laughter, I know I fell for the oldest trick in the book but luckily I have different user names on the laptop and all the other log ins were not affected. On top of that this week finals are coming up and the school semester iscoming to an end and you know what that means: CRAMMING-THE-NIGHT-BEFORE-AN-EXAM, yay! Yeah, that's my most favorite passttime as I get little to no sleep and force myself to drink sugar-free red bulls and white chocoalate mocha from Starbucks to stay awake for the rest of the day. Ah, college.

But with all seriousness, thanks for your patients in the upcoming week or so I will start posting a lot more and definetely make up for the time lost. If you guys have questions, don't for get to hit us up @ the8bitgeneration@gmail[dot]com. Drop a line tell us what you honestly think of the site and what you would like to see.

-Steve Mervil
Editior-in-Cheif @ The8BITGeneration
