PAX East Schwag!

Despite being unable to attend panels and events I wanted to take part of, I still had a great time at PAX East. Besides the advice and discussions that go on during the panels, the best thing about going to PAX: FREE SCHWAG! I admit I didn't really put forth an effort to get more free schwag but what I did get was pretty cool. BEHOLD, My modest collection!

1. Halo Reach Defiant Map Pack DLC code

I went to the "So I Still Have This Website..." panel, which is perfect for me because I still have this site! During the panel, Jessica Shea of 343 Industries gave out a DLC code for the map pack to a gentlemen who reviews games. Needless to say, she became a target for every male gamer in the room and not only because she's a girl! I approached her with the sole intention of getting advice on the industry. Like the other dozen guys who got DLC codes, she looked at me and asked if I wanted. I kindly said yes but I really wanted to say "HELL YEAH!"

2. Uncharted 3 T-Shirts

Okay I confess, I haven't played Uncharted 2. Yes, even though it has endless praise from critics and players alike I still have not picked up the masterpiece. The first Uncharted was excellent, so I have high hopes for the next two, so to my surprise it was so awesome to be able to pick up some sweet Uncharted T-Shirts at the end of the community manager panel. Not only are they in one my favorite colors, but they have a very simple and straightfoward design. I can't wait to rock it with my converses!

3. Uncharted 3 DLC mystery weapon skin code

Picked it up from the same panel where I got the T-Shirts. Uncharted 3 is not out yet so I have to wait till it drops to find out what it really is. I'm hoping it's not just a color weapon skin and is something that makes my weapon look totally sick. I'm crossing my fingers that it's more than a mystery skin. Oh well ,the only way to find out is wait for November 1st.

4. Dragon Nest/ Vindictus Bag

Prior to PAX I never heard of Dragon Nest or Vindictus, but if you were there you'd think it was the most popular game in the world considering so many people had the bag strapped around their shoulders. With some little research, I found that both games are going to be free-to-play Korean-based MMORPGs. There's not much I can say about it, I mean it's a pretty large bag made up of light material. Yeah...

5. Star Wars: The Old Republic poster

Don't know much about this game either but I know it's the sequel to the long-awaited Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. And I also know that guy on the poster is evil because his light-saber is red and he's pale and bald, like Dr. Evil. I could have gotten it signed by some of the developers of the game but that line was way too long for me.


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